Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Conquering 2017: News and What's Coming Up

Welcome 2017!

What can I say about 2016? It seemed like 2016 was a pretty rough year for a lot of us. The same can be said for me. Life is about overcoming challenges and obstacles. I can only hope for the best that this year will be better. I can't believe how fast 2017 has been going. It seems like January is flying by.

I successfully completed my 2016 Reading Challenge by surpassing my goal of reading 52 books: I read 56. I also read a good majority of the book themes for the Popsugar challenge. I am doing the same again this year. The number of books on the Popsugar list this year is 52, so as of right now, my goal is to read 60 books. That could change throughout the year. It will be linked down below.

I have already read a few books this year. However, I still have a few book reviews from 2016 to do first. In the beginning of February, I will be doing my 2016 Book Awards after I finish the rest of the reviews. I base it on the books I read in 2016 hence the title.

Next Friday, I will be making a special announcement, so watch out for that.

Happy Reading and Keep on Writing!


1 comment:

  1. That's a good book list. I know Stephen King used to do that (when he wrote a column for Entertainment Weekly). It was the list of books he read in the year, not when they came out. That's the lovely thing about books--they keep for a while. Not like the TV show or movie of the moment.
