Thursday, January 1, 2015

2015 Resolutions

Well, by now it is officially 2015, so Happy New Year!!!

It's that time of year again. That's right: time for making new year resolutions. Most people make resolutions and unfortunately, most of us end up breaking them or forgetting what they even were in the first place. Who hasn't done that? I'm guilty as well. But every year, I continue to make my resolutions anyway, because eventually, they've got to come true, am I right? So here are just a couple of mine.

1. Write more. This goes without saying. So, in recent years, I had been battling writer's block. That all changed a couple months ago and I can now say that I've just started working on what will be a children's series. I've always wanted to write for children, young kids in particular, but never really knew where to get started. After all, writing for children is the hardest genre to get into. I refuse to give up however. An actual idea came to me after the birth of my nephew this year and now I feel that I know where I'm going to go with the particular children's series I have in mind.

2. Read more. This also goes without saying. I tend to be more creative with my writing when I'm reading then when I'm not. Being that I only read 12 books in 2014, I am looking to improve dramatically on that this year. My goal right now is to read 52 books in 2015. As I complete a book, I'll be doing a book review on here and you can follow along. If you want to read what books I've read in 2014, go here:

I will be doing short book reviews of those in an upcoming blog post.

3. Get a job. No explanation needed.

4. Take care of myself better. Let's face it, most of us tend to put other's needs ahead of our own and there's always something we want to change about ourselves and I'm no different. I just won't be getting into details about that because I consider it to be personal.

5. Attempt to get back into my faith. I am a born and raised Roman Catholic and I have all intentions to stay that way. Like a lot of people go through, I have faltered away from my religion for a good while now for reasons that, once again, are personal in my life, and I just want to take steps to get back into it again.

That pretty much wraps it up. Hope everyone has a great year!

Happy Reading and Keep on Writing!!!


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